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Apple Butter

Sarah L Samuels

Updated: Jun 28, 2024

I recently got about 10 kilos of Cooking apples from a neighbour of my Mother-in-Law. I had heard of apple butter so I did a bit of research and had a go at making my own.

Apple butter is a concentrated apple sauce cooked really slowly to the point where the sugar in the apples caramelises. It has an intense apple flavour with a warm hint of cinnamon. It doesn’t have any butter in it!!!!

I made it in my slow cooker and it tastes amazing! I have plans for baking cookies, bread and cakes with it. You can also use it like jam on bread and it tastes delicious.

Start by preparing the apples by peeling, coring and then dice. The weight required is for the prepared apples not whole apples.

Place the prepared apples into a slow cooker and add the sugars and cinnamon and mix.

Put the slow cooker on its lowest setting and put the lid on.

Every hour give it a big stir so it doesn’t catch on the bottom.

After about 4 hours it should be thick, smooth and much darker in colour.

Turn off the slow cooker and leave to cool with the lid off so it cools down naturally.

Put the cooled mixture in the fridge and it will keep for up to 2 weeks.

Or it can be frozen - I froze mine in small pots.

Apple Butter

Sarah’s skill: Easy


750g Peeled, cored and diced cooking apples

25g Demerara sugar

25g Light brown sugar

1 tsp Ground cinnamon


  1. Prepare the apples by peeling, coring and then dice.

  2. Place the prepared apples into a slow cooker and add the sugars and cinnamon and mix.

  3. Put the slow cooker on its lowest setting and put the lid on.

  4. Every hour give it a big stir so it doesn’t catch on the bottom.

  5. After about 4 hours it should be thick, smooth and much darker in colour.

  6. Turn off the slow cooker and leave to cool with the lid off.

  7. Put the cooled mixture in the fridge and it will keep for up to 2 weeks or it can be frozen.

Sarah’s extra slice……

The weight is of prepared apples with peel and core removed.

You can easily make double or more depending on how many apples you have and how big your slow cooker is. My slow cooker is a small one and only fitted 750g of apples in it.


Sep 16, 2023

I used it as egg substitute in a vegan fruit cake. It worked beautifully!

it’s also lovely on toast, for breakfast.

Sarah L Samuels
Sep 18, 2023
Replying to

Yes it is so versatile and tasty! Thanks for letting me know. Sarah


Oct 11, 2022

This is perfect as we just went apple picking in upstate NYC. Can we swap the sugar for honey to make a sugar-free version? Maha

Sarah L Samuels
Oct 12, 2022
Replying to

Yes honey would work well too! Enjoy


Sep 23, 2022

This is absolutely delicious. Looking forward to making the apple butter cinnamon buns tomorrow x

Sarah L Samuels
Sep 23, 2022
Replying to

Glad you liked it! The taste is really good and so easy to make.

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